SVW’s Shadowens records 100th career victory


Lost in the excitement in Friday night’s high school football opening night, Sesser-Valier-Waltonville head coach John Shadowens picked up his 100th career victory. The Red Devils were at Hamilton County Friday night and won 34-16. Shadowens began

Small earthquake reported near New Madrid, Missouri


HOWARDVILLE, Mo. (WJPF) – A small earthquake has rattled the New Madrid Seismic Zone. The 2.3 magnitude quake hit at 7:30 a.m. Sunday, a few miles west of New Madrid, Missouri. Earthquakes less than a 3 on

Grammy Museum to feature Ghost ‘Devotional Pop-Up’


The Grammy Museum in Los Angeles has announced the Ghost Devotional Pop-Up, designed and fabricated by Justin Ware of Creativeware and built by carpenter/welder Greg S. Gilday. The band will be performing September 11-12th at the Kia